The 5 Step Process to Sales 

Of Sales Management

The 5 Step Process to Sales 

The art of the sale is not the art of convincing people how to buy what they don’t need.

It’s about narrowing down your customer base to find those few individuals who will truly benefit from your product or service.
So with that in mind, today we’re going to discuss how successful salespeople sell, sell, SELL…
And the one thing these incredibly sales people have in common…
The ability to look outward.
They look outward to add value to their customers’ lives—NOT bring in revenue. Financial gain becomes a byproduct of offering value to others.
As you learn to embrace this idea of “adding value” with open arms, and start working to serve others through the medium of your business, you’ll discover the money starts to pour in naturally.
In today’s episode of Making Bank, Bob Burg, author of The Go-Giver, will walk us through the five laws of success for your business.
These empowering laws revolve around the idea that the more we give to others in business, the more we get back.
Highlights from this episode of Making Bank include:
·       A 5-step process to finding the right prospects
·       How to shift your focus to care about your customers
·       The 5 laws of stratospheric success
·       The mindset of successful salespeople

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