Writing Your Own Magazine Ad Copy

Writing Your Own Magazine Ad Copy
Writing Your Own Magazine Ad Copy
Writing Your Own Magazine Ad Copy
1) Get the consumer’s attention
You need to take the consumer by storm
by focusing on creating an eye-catching
headline or phrase. Include a graphic or
logo to establish the tone of the
Avoid controversial headlines and
pictures. Humor should be used
judiciously. It’s hard to come up with a
humorous tone that is universally
appealing. In addition, certain tones could
actually be viewed as offensive by some
members of your target audience. A
clever phrase or impressive graphic will
attract the attention of, and be
appreciated by, almost everyone.
2) Use color whenever possible
Magazines offer the opportunity to use
four-color photos and artwork to enhance
the meaning and impact of your message.
Use this powerful tool. Give your ad color
if you can afford it.
Four-color ads traditionally have the
highest response rate from readers. The
response rate typically decreases as use
of color is eliminated—from four color to
spot color to black and white. If you can’t
afford four color, but have a budget that
will allow some “enhancement” over
purchasing a basic black and white ad
space, spot color is a good alternative.
Most magazines offer standard spot colors
—red, blue, green, orange, or yellow—at
one rate, and specialized “matched
colors” at a slightly higher rate. Matched
colors are generally chosen from the
Pantone Professional Color System and
are commonly referred to as PMS colors.
These colors are available in a wide
assortment of hues and variations. Your
printer or graphic designer should be able
to show you the selection of colors
3) Make your pitch concise and simple
List the benefits and reasons why the
consumer should buy your product or
service. Keep it short and simple.
Reader’s aren’t going to treat your ad like
a novel and sit down for a long read. You
have only ten to fifteen seconds to get
your reader’s attention and appraise him
or her of the unique value of your product
or service. So avoid long phrases or cute
dialogue. Be precise and to the point.
4) Make it easy for the customer to
reach you and order from you
In order to make it easy for potential
customers to purchase your product or
service, don’t forget to include your
phone number (toll-free if possible), fax
number, and mailing address at the
bottom of the ad. If other special
ordering information is needed, include
that as well.

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