A Dynamic for Successful Teamwork: Brainstorming

A Dynamic for Successful Teamwork
A Dynamic for Successful Teamwork: Brainstorming
In the development of successful teams, certain freedoms must be given to those individuals who make up the team. The development of a team leads members to use their insights and creativity. The trust and freedom given to team members to use
their creativity demands that the team leader grant trust and confidence to those with whom he is working.  This type of trust will also call upon the team leader to have a level of courage that can withstand the possibility of failure.
A number of strong indicators suggest that a team mentality is developing within an organization.  One such sign can be observed in the powers allotted to the organization by its leaders. When the leadership of an organization becomes more aware of the creativity and the spontaneity of the group over their own skills, team development is headed into a
strong growth pattern. Such freedom will encourage the group to grow in the practice of exercising individual insights and knowledge.
For example, this level of trust passed to the team by the team leader may develop an extremely productive behavior of “brainstorming.”
Brainstorming is a method that generates imaginative and creative solutions to a problem. With this method, members are encouraged to come up with extreme and in some cases, outlandish methods of
solving the problem. They are encouraged to build on one another’s ideas; criticism of any generated idea is forbidden.  Through this process, members see their individual contribution entering into the decision-making process and thus tend to be more
accepting of the final decision.
When a team leader encourages the sharing of ideas and creativity among those he is leading, the group expands beyond itself. Brainstorming is a process that can bring out the creative, hidden
talents of the team, and the “collective mind of the group” is always much greater than that of any one individual.
Each team member has a vast store of ideas available at any given moment. Regrettably, this resource often goes untapped.  One can create a flurry of activity by using the dynamics of a group.
The result is frequently the unleashing of the team’s creativity.
6 Basic Guidelines to Brainstorming
Buchholz, Roth, and Hess offer six basic guidelines to aid an organization in the brainstorming process.
First, go for quantity rather than quality. The goal in any brainstorming situation is to bring forth as many ideas and visions as
possible, not to stifle the team.
Second, effective brainstorming must have time limits. The limit of time will act as a motivation for people to think more rapidly
and be more extensive in their thought process.
Third, an effort should be made to include all ideas. The sharing of all ideas, no matter how inclusive they may be, is important at this point in team development.
Fourth, it is absolutely essential to keep a record of all the brainstorming that is taking place and to write it down. A record of all ideas will provide a reference to call upon at a later date.
The fifth guideline given by the three authors is unique: the leader of a team is called upon to be childlike.  To be childlike, in a seeking and experimental way, is a
constructive character trait to possess; conversely, to be childish (selfish and self-centered) is a destructive character trait.
Sixth, humorous moments can be a helpful tool in team development.  “One good way to judge the success of a brainstorming session is by how much laughter rings out.” The three authors emphasize that having a sense of humor is absolutely necessary. Laughter will enhance the sessions and create a relaxing atmosphere for creativity.
In the end, a team will likely develop as ideas are shared and discussed in a friendly atmosphere.

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