Mind Power: Using the Power of your Subconscious Mind

Using the Power of your Subconscious Mind
Mind Power: Using the Power of your Subconscious Mind

Your Subconscious Mind - The Real Power
Ever wonder how some people are so successful? Or how some great inventions come about? Why are some more wealth than others.
The answer?
They've tapped into the hidden power of their subconscious mind and they know how to work with and apply mind power to get what they want.
Now they may not do this consciously, but they do engage their subconscious mind and get this power to work for them regularly.
Simple Subconscious Mind Exercises Used by The Most
Successful People
These breakthrough ideas, new
innovations, great discoveries and wealth building ideas start with a simple thought. This thought leads to a belief, that says "I Can..." and that belief is transmitted to the
subconscious mind. Mind power takes over by connecting the subconscious with the people, situations and opportunities that will lead to success.
It all starts with a thought followed by a belief, which is followed by a clear and singular focus and desire to achieve a specific goal. By having this kind of focus, clarity and vision you begin using mind power, you begin directing your
subconscious mind to bring you the
To reap the benefits and success of mind power and working with your subconscious mind your thoughts and beliefs have to be positive. If they're negative, if they say: "I can't..." then your subconscious mind will create more difficulty or more confusion. You'll be using mind power to get more of what you don't want.
So here's how you can apply mind power and direct your subconscious mind to create the success, happiness, wealth and
what ever you want (be realistic of course):
Have a clear and definitive goal.
You have to give your subconscious mind a clear direction and that means knowing what you want - and you have to make this a positive goal. For example: if you wanted to make
more money then you're goal would be to make more money -
this is positive. A negative version
of this would be to say: I don't want to lose anymore money or I
don't want anymore debt. You want to make more money, so be
clear and specific about what you
Develop positive thoughts and
beliefs to support your goal. This
is very important, without strong
positive thoughts and beliefs your
subconscious mind won't respond
and you won't be able to reap the
benefits of working mind power. By carrying strong, supportive beliefs, you re-train your mind and you train the power of your subconscious mind to attract more
positive situation.
Be consistent and be persistent -
You have to focus on your goals,
have positive thoughts and positive beliefs every day. You
can't just do this once in a while.
Mind power requires that you form a habit of continually directing your subconscious mind to create the outcomes you want. For example: if you want to meet the right person, you should think about this person's qualities and
you're positive qualities every day
- so that you think and believe that
you can meet the right person
Get rid of the negative thinking -
No longer think and believe that
you can't. Negative thoughts lead
to negative beliefs, which create more misery. So get rid of these
negative thoughts as quickly as possible. If you entertain more
negative thoughts you'll be directing your subconscious mind
to create more negative situations.
You'll be using your mind power
to bring you more pain.
Take Action - You have to take action and focus on taking the
right action. Your subconscious
mind will bring you opportunities,
you have to explore them and
follow up. You have to be willing
to take action to achieve your
desired goal. You can't just sit around and expect a pile of money to show up at your door - you have to take action and believe that you're taking the right action.
Visualize - Picture yourself getting
what you want and succeeding.
Always believe that you can and will succeed. Mind power relies on
your thoughts, beliefs and how you see yourself. Make them allpositive and your subconscious mind will deliver.
Never give up - Most people give
up on their goals just when they're
on the verge of succeeding. You're
closer to succeeding than you realize so keep striving to achieve
the success you want and keep
believing in yourself
These are just some of the things you can do to get your mind power and your subconscious working for you.
Once you master your Mind Power, you'll unleash your subconscious mind power so that you create the success and fulfillment you want in life.
We are all born with tremendous power, that power is in your mind and subconscious mind.
The most successful and the most wealthy people in the world have strong, positive thoughts and beliefs about themselves, their ability and about what they want. They back these with a strong desire. Their subconscious mind picks up on all these positive messages and simply creates more
opportunities for them to succeed.
Mind Power and You: Directing Your Subconscious Mind
No one ever told you about the power that you have within you, or they didn't tell you how to apply and direct this power. You have tremendous power and that power
starts in your mind and your subconscious mind.
Mind power is about directing both the mind and the subconscious mind. What ever the mind can think of or dream of, the subconscious mind can create. You just have to give your subconscious the right instructions and correctly use mind power to achieve the success you want.

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